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The Storm钢琴谱-TheFatRat Maisy Kay

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览1

The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览2

The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览3

The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览4

The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览5

The Storm-TheFatRat和Maisy Kay五线谱预览6

《The Storm》由TheFatRat和Maisy Kay共同演唱。Arabic式的鼓点、悠扬的萧声配以特色鲜明的轻快Pluck和最爱用的弦乐让整首乐曲独树一帜。

The Storm》以管弦乐为基础,加入环境人声吟唱,通过Maisy Kay自学的电影《阿凡达》中的Na'vi语演唱,将美与情感结合,并与神秘的吟唱完美搭配,传递了人们在挑战中探索自我的主题。MV在冰岛的火山地带拍摄,由Alan Walker音乐影片的幕后团队打造。MV中展现了TheFatRat和Maisy Kay在极端风暴中逃走的画面,冰岛地域的自然景观例如冰洞、风暴和迷雾等也将在录影带中为观众呈现。

The Storm歌词:

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya si

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya si

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya side

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya si

I found a light inside me

I wanna let it glow

Keep shining bright beside me

Follow where I go

So when the thunder comes and

The storm becomes the night

I'll guide you through the lightning

Stay close by my side

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya si

Za'u oe fru iknimaya

Nìftxavang ting mikyun ting nari

Tompayä kato tsawkeyä kato

Sì'ekong te'lanä oeru teya si

I found a light inside me

I wanna let it glow

Keep shining bright beside me

Follow where I go

So when the thunder comes and

The storm becomes the night

I'll guide you through the lightning

Stay close by my side

Up in the clouds I found my voice

Up past the shouts and broken noise

So don't let me fall where I don't belong

I can't go back and lose it all

标签: The Storm TheFatRat Maisy Kay

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