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Prayer in C钢琴谱-Lilly Wood and the Prick

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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Prayer in C-Lilly Wood and the Prick五线谱预览1

Prayer in C-Lilly Wood and the Prick五线谱预览2

Prayer in C-Lilly Wood and the Prick五线谱预览3

Prayer in C-Lilly Wood and the Prick五线谱预览4

Prayer in C-Lilly Wood and the Prick五线谱预览5

是法国另类、流行、民谣二人组Lilly Wood and the Prick发行的歌曲。乐队由Nili Hadida和Benjamin Cotto组成。2006年,两人相识于巴黎的一家咖啡馆,旋即决定共同创作并组成乐队。

乐队首张工作室专辑《Invincible Friends》于2010年5月31日发行。而Prayer in C这支单曲即出自这张专辑中。原本是一首很普通和典型的独立音乐调的歌,并没有引起很大注意,但是2014年一位来自德国的新人DJ Robin Schulz重新制作了这首歌,从而引起轰动。新推出的版本出人意料的大受欢迎,很快席卷整个欧洲,登上奥地利、比利时、法国、德国、匈牙利、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、瑞士等国的音乐排行榜。

歌词下方是Prayer in C钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Prayer in C歌词:

Yah, you never said a word

You didn't send me no letter

Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying

I'm not wasting no more time

Don't think I could believe you

Yah, you never said a word

You didn't send me no letter

Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying

I'm not wasting no more time

Don't think I could believe you

Yah, our hands will get more wrinkled

And our hair will be grey

Don't think I could forgive you

And see the children are starving

And their houses were destroyed

Don't think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands

And when men will be no more

Don't think you can forgive you

Yah when there'll just be silence

And when life will be over

Don't think you will forgive you

Yah, you never said a word

You didn't send me no letter

Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying

I'm not wasting no more time

Don't think I could believe you

Yah, you never said a word

You didn't send me no letter

Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying

I'm not wasting no more time

Don't think I could believe you

Yah, our hands will get more wrinkled

And our hair will be grey

Don't think I could forgive you

And see the children are starving

And their houses were destroyed

Don't think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands

And when men will be no more

Don't think you can forgive you

Yah when there'll just be silence

And when life will be over

Don't think you will forgive you

标签: Prayer in C Lilly Wood and the Prick

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