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钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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麦当娜•西科尼(Madonna Ciccone),美国女歌手、演员。1958年8月16日,出生于密歇根州底特律。1991年1月,麦当娜在第18届全美音乐奖中,以一曲《vogue》赢得最受欢迎舞曲奖。1997年,麦当娜因出演《贝隆夫人》获得金球奖最佳音乐剧女演员奖。


Holiday celebrate

Holiday celebrate

If we took a holiday

Took some time to celebrate

Just one day out of life

it would be

it would be so nice

Everybody spread the word

We're gonna have a celebration

All across the worldIn every nationIt's time for the good times

Forget about the bad times oh yeah

One day to come together

To release the pressure

We need a holiday

If we took a holiday

Took some time to celebrate

Just one day out of life

It would be

it would be so nice

You can turn this world around

And bring back all of those happydays

Put your troubles downIt's time to celebrate

Let love shine

And we will find

A way to come together

And make things better

We need a holiday

If we took a holiday

Took some time to celebrate

Just one day out of life

It would be

it would be so nice

Holiday celebrate

Holiday celebrate

If we took a holiday

Took some time to celebrate

Just one day out of life

It would be

it would be so nice

Come together in every nation

标签: Holiday Madonna

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