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Dear Boy钢琴谱-Avicii

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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Dear Boy-Avicii五线谱预览1

Dear Boy-Avicii五线谱预览2

Dear Boy-Avicii五线谱预览3


Avicii 原名Tim Bergling,中文译名:艾维奇。1989年9月8日出生于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩省。自小迷恋音乐的他对电音舞曲情有独钟,受到了Daft Punk的熏陶,加上瑞典地区发达的电音产业让他萌生了成为DJ的念头。

Dear Boy歌词:

So bold and fine,

I've known you for some time

Whole life changed while

bones like yours and mine

Go dance in the woods

and down we go, down, down

Oh boy, you're mine,

do you remember old times?

Oh, dear boy, I wanna follow you

You're a wild boy, I am a wild girl, too

Oh dear boy, it's so hollow without you

In a world with everything but it won't do

Oh, dear boy, I wanna follow you

You're a wild boy, I am a wild girl, too

Oh, dear boy, it's so shallow without you

It's a chance, boy, everything I ask of you

Sweet love of mine,

destruction ain't a crime

For those who find love

as a game like you and I

Go dance in the waters of

all the tears we have cried

Oh boy, we're fine,

do you remember our time?

Oh, dear boy, I wanna follow you

You're a wild boy, I am a wild girl, too

Oh dear boy, it's so hollow without you

In a world with everything but it won't do

Oh, dear boy, I wanna follow you

You're a wild boy, I am a wild girl, too

Oh, dear boy, it's so shallow without you

It's a chance, boy, everything I ask of you

标签: Dear Boy Avicii

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