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Dont Tell Me钢琴谱-艾薇儿

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览1

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览2

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览3

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览4

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览5

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览6

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览7

Don't Tell Me-艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)五线谱预览8



Don't Tell Me作为艾薇儿(Avril Lavigne)主打歌出现她的专辑《Under My Skin》 (2004)中。


《Under My Skin》这张专辑以非常戏剧性的歌曲"Take Me Away" 以及"Together"这两首歌曲作为开场,这样的用意是为了第一波的主打歌曲"Don'tTell Me" 做极佳的情绪铺陈。”Don`t Tell Me"这首单曲,充满了重节奏的吉他伴奏,绝对是一首深受电台欢迎的畅销单曲;同时,这一首充满女力以及伸张女性主权意识的歌曲,更延伸了专辑“展翅高飞”之中的单曲”超复杂Complicated”的意境以及延续其深层意义。


歌词下方是Don't Tell Me钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。


Don't Tell Me歌词:


You held my hand and walked me home, I know

你牵起我的手 陪我走回家

Why you gave me a kiss


It was something like this and made me go oh oh


You wiped my tears got rid of all my fears

你擦掉我的泪水 抹去我的恐惧

Why did you have to go?


Guess it wasn't enough to take up of some of my love

我想 可能是我的爱让你觉得还不够

Guys are so hard to trust


Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl

难道我没告诉你 我不是那种

The one who gives it all away - yeah


Did you think that I was going to give it up to you - this time


Did you think that it was something I was going to do - and cry


Don't try to tell me what to do


Don't try to tell me what to say


You're better off that way


Don't think that your charm


And the fact that your arm is now around my neck

事实上 是你那正搂着我脖子的手

Will get you in my pants


I'll have to kick your ass and make you never forget

我会踹爆你的屁股 让你永生难忘

I'm gonna ask you to stop


I thought I liked you a lot but I'm really upset

我或许曾经喜欢过你 但我现在真是失望透了

So get out of my head, get off of my bed

所以滚出我的脑袋 离开我的床

Yeah that's what I said

没错 这就是我的意思

Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl

难道我没告诉你 我不是那种

The one who gives it all away - yeah


This guilt trip that you put me on won't


Mess me up I've done no wrong

并不会打乱我 因为我没有错

Any thoughts of you and me have gone away

不过 你和我的一切 也已烟消云散了

I'm better off alone anyway


标签: Dont Tell Me 艾薇儿

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