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Be Prepared钢琴谱-Elton John

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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Be Prepared-狮子王OST五线谱预览1

Be Prepared-狮子王OST五线谱预览2

Be Prepared-狮子王OST五线谱预览3

Be Prepared-狮子王OST五线谱预览4

Be Prepared-狮子王OST五线谱预览5

《Be Prepared》是迪士尼长篇动画电影《狮子王》(The Lion King)的原声音乐,由英国创作歌手、作曲家Elton John制作。



Be Prepared歌词:


I never thought hyenas essential

They’re crude and unspeakably plain

But maybe they’ve a glimmer of potential

If allied to my vision and brain

I know that your powers of retention

Are as wet as a warthog’s backside

But thick as you are pay attention

My words are a matter of pride

It’s clear from your vacant expressions

The lights are not all on upstairs

But we’re talking kings and successions

Even you can’t be caught unawares

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime

Be prepared for sensational news

A shining new era

Is tiptoeing nearer

And where do we feature

Just listen to teacher

I know it sounds sordid

But you’ll be rewarded

When at last I am given my dues

And injustice deliciously squared

Be prepared

It’s great that we’ll soon be connected

With a king who’ll be all-time adored

Of course quid pro quo you’re expected

To take certain duties on board

The future is littered with prizes

And though I’m the main addressee

The point that I must emphasize is

You won’t get a sniff without me

So prepare for the coup of the century

Be prepared for the murkiest scam

(Oooh La La La )

Meticulous planning

Tenacity spanning

Decades of denial

Is simply why I’ll

Be king undisputed

Respected saluted

And seen for the wonder I am

Yes my teeth and ambitions are bared

Be prepared

Yes our teeth and ambitions are bared -

Be prepared

标签: Be Prepared Elton John

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