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Promise With You钢琴谱-小濑村晶 Shaylee

钢琴谱 2023-08-01 13:30:17 看谱啦
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Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览1

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览2

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览3

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览4

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览5

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览6

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览7

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览8

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览9

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览10

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览11

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览12

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览13

Promise With You-弹唱谱五线谱预览14

《Promise With You》是由日本纯乐器后摇男性音乐家小濑村晶作曲,Shaylee(シェイリー)演唱的一首歌曲。


小濑村晶,自2006开始职业音乐人生涯,曲子更广泛被收录在美国、德国、比利时、法国、加拿大与澳洲等独立厂牌合辑中。个人创作善用田野录音(field recording)手法融入其吉他与钢琴曲子当中,音乐灵感则源自日落、季节的气味与寻常生活之间。


Promise With You歌词:


Dreaming of you

In the freezing mountains

Your warm hand

And your kinda look

My heart is filled

With love and sorrow

Can you hear me

In this timeless world

The earth

The sky

The wind

The trees

The birds

The beas

To sing

For love

I learned


And patience

I find my way

To a distant you

Many winters

I have lived alone

For long time I seemed

To wonder in the dark

But you are always

Living in my heart

I believe

The promise with you


Hope you are



Remember me


Your life is hard

Running through a fierce snowstorm

Towards the place I promised to be

I'll continue singing your song

The moon leads me to the rising sun

Looking for a ray of sunlight

My hand is reaching into the sky

We breathe the same air together

And I will find one everlasting way

With you

No matter where we are

I'm not afraid

Because under the same stars

We are alive

And I was born to see you

Again in this world

Dreaming of you

In the freezing mountains

Your warm hand and your kind look

You are always living in my heart

I believe the promise with you

标签: Promise With You 小濑村晶 Shaylee

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